The library is intended for: borrowing library materials reading magazines and books researching and searching for information making seminar, project assignments and posters preparing for lessons independent learning.

Users can borrow the material at home or in the reading room. They borrow at home:
book material: 14 days
newspapers and magazines: 1 week
All materials can be renewed once by users. At the end of the academic year, users must return all borrowed material. Users who need the material for a longer period of time for legitimate reasons must agree with the librarian on extending the loan period. Students must return the materials by the end of their studies.
Users who have unjustified debts to the library are prevented from further borrowing until they settle all obligations. For untimely returned library materials, the library charges a daily fee of EUR 0.05 per unit of library material.

For library users
Eight computers are available to users in the library.
The price of printing is EUR 0.08.
- Respect order and peace
- Clean up the workspace behind you
- Do not use mobile phones
- Food and drinks are prohibited
- Playing games and listening to music is prohibited